
Did you miss the Spring 2017 pruning workshop at Houston Gardens?

This workshop covered dealing with conifers, deciduous shrubs, deciduous trees, and fruit trees.  As your trees and shrubs grow, they need direction. Pruning, thinning or removing weak, dead, storm damaged, branches leads to healthier structure and enhances its appearance.  Good pruning can promote health, vigor and positive growing patterns to your trees and shrubs. When it comes to fruit trees, proper pruning can stimulate the formation of flowers and fruit buds. Pruning is generally done every few years.

We will be offering this same workshop again this Fall, stay tuned for more information.

Tree Grafting

A Tree Grafting class instructed by Master Gardener Dean Koehler, Saturday, April 8th at Houston Gardens. The Weld County Extension office coordinates the Weld County Colorado Master Gardener Program. Dean is one of the volunteers who has been trained by CSU to help the community with various horticulture issues such as vegetable gardening, plant pest and disease diagnosis and landscape maintenance by teaching classes – like the tree grafting session.


Business Women Schedule Networking Session

Northern Colorado Women in Business will host their July 5th Networking, Breakfast Workshop at Houston Gardens from 8-10 a.m. The Gardens will serve as a beautiful backdrop and learning platform for the West Greeley Conservation District’s informative program about their services, resources and the history behind acquiring the George M. Houston Gardens. The ladies will be treated to a tour of the grounds and the Houston home.