Board Meetings
Serving our members

The West Greeley Conservation District is Governed by a locally elected Board of Supervisors which meets each month.
The meeting will be held in the Conference Room at the USDA Service Center, 4302 W 9th Street Rd, Greeley, CO 80634 at 11:00 a.m. unless posted otherwise. In the event that any or all of the members of the governing body participate in the meeting by telephone or video, a speakerphone or monitor will be available at the location noted above.
The discussion of some topics may be held in executive session rather than during the portion of the meeting that is open to the public in accordance with (CRS 24-6-402) Colorado Sunshine Act. If this is a regular meeting, additional topics may be discussed. If this is a special or emergency meeting, the governing body’s discussion will be limited to the topics and executive session noted on the special or emergency meeting’s agenda.
Non Discrimination-Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action
The West Greeley Conservation District prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities, including employment, on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, political beliefs.