Helping our member’s succeed.
Our landowner cost share program is a way to assist members of the West Greeley Conservation District in implementing approved conservation practices on their land. Applications are accepted on an on-going basis. Funding is contingent on approval by the Board of Supervisors.
Small Tree Grant
The purpose of this grant is to help groups within our District obtain conservation grade trees, shrubs, and perennial plants at a minimal cost. These trees, shrubs and perennial plants will be taken from the overflow plants from our yearly seedling tree sale, you may accept or pass on available items.
Seeding/Reseeding Program
WGCD offers seed drilling to small acreage landowners, 15 acres or less. This cost share is provided to landowners at an inexpensive price to get grass established on their property. We use a 5 ½ ft. wide no-till drill and a smaller tractor. This program is intended to plant native pasture grasses to reduce soil erosion.
Seedling Tree Sale
The West Greeley Conservation District partners with the Colorado State Forest Service to provide conservation seedling trees to local landowners at a nominal cost. We do this to encourage the establishment of conservation tree plantings such as Windbreaks, Living Snow Fences, Erosion Control, Wildlife Habitat, Visual Screens or Noise Barriers.