
Helping our member’s succeed.


Our landowner cost share program is a way to assist members of the West Greeley Conservation District in implementing approved conservation practices on their land. Applications are accepted on an on-going basis. Funding is contingent on approval by the Board of Supervisors.


Windbreak/Living Snow Fence

This cost share is designed to help tax payers establish windbreaks on their properties for conservation purposes.

CRP Recovery

This is designed for land that has recently expired from the CRP program. This cost share encourages landowners to keep their land in grass and utilize it for grazing. This cost share supports land improvements that allow the landowner to graze this property.

Livestock Well

This cost share supports the drilling and installation of a livestock well that is used to water livestock that are grazing a 140-acre piece of land.

Livestock Well Efficiency Upgrade

This cost share helps ranchers upgrade their existing livestock well system to a system that functions in a more efficient way.

Riparian Area Grazing

This cost share is intended to fence livestock out of riparian areas to help support improved water quality and reduce soil erosion. (A riparian area is an area along a river, stream or other moving body of water.)

Small Acreage Irrigation

The goal of the small acreage irrigation cost share is to provide irrigation improvements to smaller landowners, maximum of 20 acres.

Water Sampling

Domestic water, livestock water and irrigation water – Available to private WGCD landowners only.

Soil Sampling

Test the nutrients in your soil. Available for private WGCD landowners only.

Cover Crop

Encourages landowners to try new conservation methods on their property.

Small Tree Grant

The purpose of this grant is to help groups within our District obtain conservation grade trees, shrubs, and perennial plants at a minimal cost. These trees, shrubs and perennial plants will be taken from the overflow plants from our yearly seedling tree sale, you may accept or pass on available items.


Seeding/Reseeding Program

WGCD offers seed drilling to small acreage landowners, 15 acres or less. This cost share is provided to landowners at an inexpensive price to get grass established on their property. We use a 5 ½ ft. wide no-till drill and a smaller tractor. This program is intended to plant native pasture grasses to reduce soil erosion.

Seedling Tree Sale

The West Greeley Conservation District partners with the Colorado State Forest Service to provide conservation seedling trees to local landowners at a nominal cost. We do this to encourage the establishment of conservation tree plantings such as Windbreaks, Living Snow Fences, Erosion Control, Wildlife Habitat, Visual Screens or Noise Barriers.


Our landowner cost share program is a way to assist members of the West Greeley Conservation District in implementing approved conservation practices on their land. Applications are accepted on an on-going basis. Funding is contingent on approval by the Board of Supervisors.

  • School educational programs in water, soils, wildlife, and other natural resource educational programs.
  • Tree planting efforts across the county.
  • Reseeding of native grasses in open spaces throughout the metro areas of Weld County to stabilize the soil and help provide recreational opportunities and habitats for wildlife.
  • Sponsorship of an economical tree sale program for those with approximately 1 or more acres of land with the realization that trees add value to property, help control home heating and cooling, provide soil and wind stabilization, as well as provide attraction of wildlife and increase the quality of homeowners lives.
  • Representation on state and local efforts for air and water quality initiatives.
  • We offer scholarships to local students whose parents are members within the district, and are interested in studying the sciences, agriculture, environmental pursuits, or other natural resource oriented studies.
  • We provide classroom lesson plan support for natural resource issues ranging from water, air, wildlife, soils, and energy.
  • Provide technical support and input to Weld County Planning and Zoning.
  • Summer educational opportunities are also afforded to local residents in such programs as landscape design for water efficiency, wind energy and solar opportunity education, reclamation of land disturbed by local energy development.
  • Mitigation of soil loss situations due to blowing or eroding soil.
  • Technical support for enforcement agencies dealing with blowing soil or water issues.
  • Work directly in ensuring the local economic base of agriculture is secured for the future.


  • Supporting conservation planning that promotes local, agronomic and economic sustainability through wise land use;
  • Providing innovative outreach and education to citizens and stakeholders;
  • Researching, recording, and disseminating information about WGCD’s natural resources;
  • Promoting a comprehensive conservation ethic for the effective and appropriate management and sustainable use of natural resources;
  • Actively participating in local forums designed to promote comprehensive resource management within the WGCD.
  • Partnering and Collaborating with other groups and organizations.
  • Implementing on the ground conservation projects.


Closeup of Irrigated soil and crop rows


Managed Grazing for Better Soil & Plant Health with Jim Gerrish.

Limited space available.

Tagged Ponderosa Pine for our 2024 Conservation Seedling Tree Sale.


Conservation Seedling Tree Sale is Closed until November 2024.

Conservation seedling trees for sale to local landowners at a nominal cost.


December 5th at Island Grove

Please, RSVP by November 15, 2024

West Greeley Conservation District Logo


4302 W. 9th St. Rd.
Greeley, CO 80634



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The West Greeley Conservation District prohibits discrimination in all of its programs and activities, including employment, on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, political belief. West Greeley Conservation District is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.