Working together

We extend North to the Wyoming border, East to New Raymer and West to the Weld County line. Our Southern boundary is a little harder to verbalize as we share southern Weld with several other Conservation Districts, but the boundary includes: Johnstown/Milliken area, Lasalle, Kersey and down around Keenesburg.
We have partnered with the NRCS – Natural Resources Conservation Service since we were created in 1948. We work out of the same building, cooperate on conservation practice implementation, and work to ensure local input is utilized in shaping the services and programs offered in the Farm Bill. -
The Colorado State Conservation Board under the Colorado Department of Agriculture was created under the Colorado Soil Conservation Act to oversee Conservation Districts, distribute available funding, and help coordinate programs at the state level. -
CSU Extension is a wealth of information to the landowners within Weld County and across the state. We work closely on workshops and programming to meet the agriculture and natural resource needs in the district. Colorado State University Extension. -
We work closely with Central Colorado Water Conservancy District on watershed education and water conservation objectives within our district. -
We provide funding for a cost-share to landowners for weed control through the Weld County Weed Division as well as partner on grants to remove invasive species, and co-host targeted workshops for landowners. -
Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, & Snow Network (CoCoRAHS) is a great source for local precipitation data. The district has worked with schools by providing rain gauges and promoting students to record data at their homes. We have discounted high-quality rain gauges available for sale at our office. We are also an official reporting location. -
We work with the Colorado State Forest Service on our yearly Seedling tree sale, windbreaks, and tree health questions. -
e have and continue to support the Poudre Learning Center in their efforts to inspire and engage all ages in stewardship and science education. One program we are particularly fond of is the Well Watch Project that teaches groundwater science and awareness. -
The Colorado Association of Conservation Districts is our non-profit state association that advocates on behalf of all 76 Conservation Districts in Colorado.