Spring is an easy time to get distracted…but if you hope to attend college in the Fall, you are probably searching and applying for scholarship opportunities to complete and submit by set deadlines.
West Greeley Conservation District (WGCD) hosts a scholarship award program with an approaching deadline for submission by eligible full-time students living within WGCD boundaries, who plan to attend a Colorado institution of higher learning, with a 3.0 or higher grade point average. Scholarship Application packets must be received by 4 p.m. on Friday, March 15th. The Scholarship award is $5,000 per student.
– A map showing our District boundaries can be found at:
– You can check your home address at the County Assessor’s site: https://www.co.weld.co.us/apps1/propertyportal/ to see if your family pays WGCD taxes.
– Students who do not live within West Greeley’s service area may opt in to the District using a County Assessors form found at:
Scholarship selection is based on the student’s demonstrated:
▪ Scholastic ability, having earned a 3.0 or better (on a 4.0 scale)
▪ Academic commitment to studies in a conservation related fields such as:
Natural Resources Environmental Studies
Agriculture Animal Science
Water Forestry
Agribusiness GeoScience, etc.
▪ Financial need
▪ Extracurricular activities, volunteer service and/or conservation projects that impact
Weld County
The application process includes:
- Filling out our application form found at: http://www.wgcd.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/2018-Scholarship-application.pdf
- Composing a typed 2-page personal essay that addresses the importance of agriculture and conservation to the student and summarizes their school and community activities and accomplishments
- A summary of their career goals
- A completed up-to-date high school and/or college transcript
- Two confidential, sealed letters of character reference/recommendation from someone NOT related to the applicant must be mailed, at the time the student applies to also arrive via mail before March 15, 2019 to:
West Greeley Conservation District
Attn: Scholarship
4302 W. 9th St. Rd.
Greeley, CO 80634
These letters should speak to the potential scholarship recipient’s personal, civic and academic accomplishments. They can be from a teacher, principal, advisor, neighbor, employer, counselor, or parent of a friend (but not from a family member).
- Applicant might be contacted for an interview
West Greeley Conservation District (WGCD) will accept submissions from:
- Incoming College Freshman
- Renewal (past Freshman scholarship recipient)
- Continuing Education (Sophomore, Junior or Senior)
And occasionally a graduate student seeking a
- Master’s Degree
The students who are selected will be notified on or before April 26th with every effort being made to notify their school prior to high school graduation. Scholarship winners must notify WGCD of intent to refuse or accept the scholarship no later than June 3rd.
Completed applications can be emailed to kristi.helzer@wgcd.org and must include your application, essay, goals, transcript(s) and in the email subject line state the category/level of the scholarship you are applying for along with your last name in All CAPS. Your two personal character reference letters should be postmarked the same day you email your packet to WGCD to arrive by Friday, March 15th.